
Fabian Schedler
Kernstockgasse 20
8020 Graz
Username on _Fabi


  1. Limitation of liability
  2. The contents of the website have been created with the utmost care and to the best of my knowledge. Nevertheless, the provider of this website does not assume any liability for the topicality, completeness and correctness of the pages and content provided.

    The provider of the service reserves the right, to exclude individual geocaches or users from evaluation, without giving any reasons.

  3. External links
  4. The website contains links to other websites on whose content the provider of the website has no influence. For this reason, the provider cannot assume any liability for this content.
    The respective provider of the linked website is responsible for the content and accuracy of the information provided. No legal violations were apparent at the time of linking. Upon becoming aware of such infringement, the link will be removed immediately.

  5. Privacy
  6. By visiting the website, information (time, page accessed, browser used) can be stored on the server. However, no personal data (e.g. name or e-mail address) will be stored.
    What data exactly is logged and for what reason you find <a href="/privacy?lang=en">here</a>.

  7. Gender
  8. For the purpose of better readability, gender-based spelling is not used. All personal names on the website and in the browser extension (including all integrated documents) are therefore gender-neutral.

  9. Information on legal infringements
  10. If you notice any legal violations within this website, please inform me about them. Upon notice, illegal content and links will be removed immediately.

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